Office probabilities for parties and governments (v. 1.0)
These datasets contain estimates of the probability that a certain party or incumbent government enters government office after the next election. The estimation approach is described in Cronert & Nyman (2021) in Political Analysis (open access). Please see the article for more information, and please cite it if you make use of the data.
Cross-national data
Includes 420 governments and 2,900 party-election observations from 34 countries, 1950–2019. Contains one estimate based on the results from the previous election, and another one that also integrates vote intention polls from the 365 final days before the election.
Incumbent government re-election probabilities (IRP).dta
Party-level office probabilities.dta
Swedish local government data
Contain main estimates for 1,740 governments and 15,600 parties in 290 municipalities, pertaining to the month of May of each year, 1998–2018.
Incumbent government re-election probabilities (IRP).dta
Party-level office probabilities.dta
Unemployment benefit degressivity in the OECD, 2001–2015
This dataset contains a yearly measure of the degressivity of unemployment benefits over the unemployment duration, estimated for 20 OECD countries using the technique introduced by Cronert (2021) in Greve’s (ed.) Handbook on Austerity, Populism and the Welfare State. Please cite the chapter if you make use of the data.
Unemployment benefit degressivity 2000–2015.dta
Method for estimating the degressivity of unemployment benefits.pdf
HDI-like measure of global wellbeing, 1960–2010
This dataset includes a historical measure of human wellbeing in 137 countries, developed by Cronert & Hadenius (2020) in International Political Science Review (open access). The measure is generated with five-year intervals, closely following the method used for the UNDP’s Human Development Index based on indicators on economic development, education and health. Please see the article for more information, and please cite it if you make use of the data.
Global wellbeing 1960–2010.dta
The EU LMP program dataset, 1998–2013
This is a dataset with yearly program-level observations of expenditures, participants, and program characteristics for several hundreds of labor market policy programs across Europe. The dataset, which is based on the European Commission’s labor market policy database, was prepared for my dissertation project. It was first used in Cronert (2017) in Socio-Economic Review and later in Cronert (2019) in Journal of Social Policy.
EU LMP Program Dataset v1807.dta
Variable description:
EU LMP Program Dataset v1807.pdf
Example of how to use the dataset (Table 2 in Cronert, 2017):
Cronert 2017 SER
Cronert 2017 SER data.dta (required country-year variables)
Files needed to re-construct the dataset:
EU LMP Program Dataset